What are the basic features of first generation?
Ø     First generation computer used vacuum tube technology.
Ø     Very big in size.
Ø     Slow in speed.
Ø     Low reliability.
Ø     Large power consumption.

How many Generations of computer are there?
There are five generations of computer.
First generation
Vacuum tube (1906)
2nd generation
Transistors (1947)
3rd generation
Integrated circuits IC’s 1965
4th generation
Microprocessors 1971
Since 1972
Fifth generation
Artificial intelligence
In progress since 1980
Write down the features of 2nd generation?
Ø     2nd generation of computer used transistors.
Ø     It was able to perform a single operation in microseconds.
Ø     It was capable to store huge data.
Ø     It was extremely reliable.
Ø     It was compact (small) in size.
Write down the features of 3rd generation of computer?
Ø     3rd generation of computer used integrated circuits.
Ø     The computers have small size.
Ø     These computers consumed very little power.
Ø     These computers enable multiprogramming and data base management.
Ø     These computers have high speed.
What is UNIVAC?
Ø     The first commercially successful machine was Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC-I).
Ø     It was made operational in 1951.
Ø     This machine tape as input media.
What is analog computer?
Ø     Analog computers accept data in continuous or physical form.
Ø     Analog computers are special purpose computer.
Ø     An analog computers are very fast in their processing but their     
Results are not accurate.        

Define digital computer?
Ø     Digital computers accept data in the form of digits.
Ø     Digital computers are general purpose computers.
Ø     Digital computers are fast in their processing and results of the digital computers are accurate.
Write down the features of fifth generation?
Ø     Fifth generation computer is a step in thinking power in computer.
Ø     These computers will be capable of reasoning, learning, drawing and making designs.
Ø     Artificial intelligence and the expert systems are the          important part of the fifth generation.
Define hybrid computer?
Ø     Hybrid computer combines the best features of analog and digital computers.
Ø     They are special purpose computers.
Ø     These are very fast and their results are accurate.
Ø     These computers help the user to handle both analog and digital data.
Write down short note on VLSI?
Ø     Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits (VLSI) was developed in 1971.
Ø     A VLSI contained a complete central processing unit of a silicon chip.
Ø     The first microprocessor Intel 4004 was a 4-bit capable of performing arithmetical logical and functions.
Ø     The use of microprocessor produced personal computers. (PC)

 What is super computer and give examples of super computer?
Ø     Most expensive computers were developed in 1980.
Ø     These have extra ordinary computing power.
Ø     They are best in solving scientific problems.  
Ø     Super computers are used in aircraft design, nuclear researches and weather forecasting.
          Some of the super computers are Cray-1, Cray-2 and Cyber 205.
What is CAI?
Ø     CAI means computer Assisted Instructions.
Ø     It does not involve teaching about computers but rather using computers as an aid in teaching a subject.
Ø     CAI is a system of individualized instruction that user a program presented by a computer as a learning medium.
There are four major types of CAI.
Ø     Drill and practice.
Ø     Tutorial.
Ø     Dialog.
Ø     Testing.
What is CMI?
Computer-Managed Instruction: (CMI)
In a computer-managed instruction (CMI) system, instead of teaching the students directly, the computer assigns a student of read certain books, listen certain tape, attend certain lecture and so on.

What is program? And how many types of programming language. 
Ø     The instructions given to a computer to perform certain tasks is called program.
Ø     In other words programming is a way to communicate with computer.
 What are the functions of a computer system?
A computer system performs the following functions:
Ø     Receive data and instructions for the system.
Ø     Store the instructions and data to be used for processing.
Ø     Executes the instruction to process the data.
Ø     Transfer the results in a form usable by humans’ or other machines.
Point out some reasons for the use of computer in medical field?
Ø     Although the computer has been introduced quite recently in the medical field.
Ø     It is used to find numerous applications in the medical field.
Ø     It is used for basic tasks such as keeping track of patient’s appointments, diagnosis and treatment procedures.
Ø     The largest use of computer in hospital is in the hospital administration in addition to patient’s health care and medical research.
Ø     There are many software in the hospitals like EHA.                                                                                                                

What is Computer Based Simulations?
Ø     To simulate is to copy the behavior of one system with a different, dissimilar system.
Ø     Thus a computer can be programmed to behave like some other system.
Ø     Simulation is used when direct experimentation is impossible or undesirable or uneconomical or immoral or simply too slow.
What is computer aided problem solving?
Computer-aided problem solving, students explore and organize material from a course by using computer as an aid to problem solving.  
What is machine language?
Ø     The set of binary instructing codes which a computer understands directly is called machine language.
Ø     It is also called the low level language.
Ø     Data and instructions are first converted in the machine language before it is sent to the computer.
Ø     Combination of bits is used in various codes to represent different characters.
Define mnemonics?
Ø     Assembly languages unlike machine language consist of short symbolic phrases understandable by people.
Ø     These phrases are made up of alpha numeric symbols called mnemonics.
How many types of programming languages are there?
Programming languages are classified into 3 types:
Ø     Machine language     (Low-level language)
Ø     Assembly language  (Low-level language)
Ø     Symbolic language   (High-level language)
Which is OOP language and give some features of OOP?
Ø     The second name of java is OOP.
Ø     Java is an object-oriented programming language developed in 1991.
Ø     It was originally developed for use in set-top boxes, transitioned to the World Wide Web in 1994.
How many types of language processor are there? Write name of them?
          A language processor is a translating-software that enables a computer to respond the user’s instructions.
There are of two types:
Ø     Compiler.
Ø     Interpreter.
 Define interpreter and compiler?
Ø     An interpreter translates a program written in a high-level language into its equivalents machine code.
Ø     It translates the statements in high language one by one and executes it before translating the next statement of the source program.
Ø     Interpreter are easy to write and also do not require large computer memory.
Ø     However it is a time consuming processor.
Ø     A compiler is complex system software that automatically converts a program written in some high-level language into an equivalent low-level machine language.
Ø     The computer or the language processor converts the entire program into machine code before execution.
Ø     It differs from the interpreter which translates one statement at a time; execute it before translating the next statement.
What is the difference between high level language and low level language?
Low level language: (low level language)
Ø     The set of binary instruction codes which a computer understands directly is called machine language.
Ø     It is also called the low level language. Data and instructions are first converted in the machine language before it is sent to the computer.
Ø     Combination of bits is used in various codes to represents different characters.
Symbolic Language: (high level language)
Ø     The difficulty in understanding the machine language by the user was resolved by symbolic coding using simple English-like words which a user can understand more easily.
Ø     The programs written in these languages are then translated into machine language.
Ø     These symbolic languages are called high level languages.
Write down the names of some peripheral device?
          Peripheral devices are those devices that attached with a system unit under the control of CPU are called as peripheral devices.
          Some peripheral devices are:
Ø     Keyboard.
Ø     Mouse.
Ø     Joystick.
Ø     Monitor.
Ø     Printer.
Ø     Scanner.
Ø     Fax machine       and
Ø     Disk Drives etc are peripheral devices.
What is the function of system unit?
Ø     The system unit is the main unit of a computer system.
Ø     It allows various parts of the computer system to work together.
Ø     A system unit consists of:
Ø     The Central Processing Unit (CPU)
Ø     Semiconductor memory
Ø     Magnetic memory and Disk drives
Ø     Adapters and Connectors.
What is ALU?
Ø     Arithmetic and Logic unit (ALU) contains a number of adder and logic gates in addition to various types of registers.
Ø     ALU performs all the processing in a CPU.
Ø     It also carries out arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction as well as logical operations.
Which Part is known as ‘brain of computer’? Write down the function of this unit?
Ø     The central processing is the brain of computer system.
Ø     It controls the entire computer system and executes the instruction given to it.
Ø     The CPU processes the data as instructed and sends the results to an output unit.
Ø     A CPU chip or microprocessor consists of the following two units:
Ø     Control Unit (CU)
Ø     Arithmetic and logic units (ALU)
Write down any three advantages and disadvantage of using internet?
Ø     When we using the internet then we can find online jobs.
Ø     We can sell products online.
Ø     We can find the answers of all questions.

Ø     Wastage of time by playing internet games.
Ø     We can access the personal privacy of others.
Ø     Our data can be lost.
 What is an internet?
Internet is a system of world-wide network that enables the internet users to exchange information.
Ø     Internet is a fast and important tool of exchanging information from national level to international level.
Ø     Today internet is a global web of nearly 1 million of people.
Write down the application of computer?
Ø     Computers guide astronauts; maintain bank accounts, help engineers to design bridges and airplanes and control/monitor industrial units etc.
Ø     Computers have radically changes the pattern of trade.
Ø     Computers can store information and recall it almost instantly for use.
Ø     It finds applications in every field of life.
 What is UPC?
Universal Product Code: (UPC)
Ø     Universal Product Code (UPC) is the Black and white bar code printed on most of the products of supermarket.
Ø     UPC determines products number, name, description and price.
What is the difference between Ram and Rom?
Ø     Ram is that part of main memory where data and instructions are held temporarily during execution.
Ø     It is a temporary memory.
Ø     It is also called as volatile.
Ø     Ram is a high speed semiconductor memory.
Ø     Another important part of main memory is rom.
Ø     Once written on a Rom can’t be change.
Ø     It is a permanent memory supplied by the manufacturer.
What is the difference b/w difference engine and Analytical Engine?
Ø     In 1786 J.H Muller proposed a calculating machine called a difference engine.
Ø     The idea of the difference engine conceived by Charles Babbage in 1812.
Ø     Babbage began to develop a difference engine but after 19 years of labor, he stopped working on difference engine.
Ø     He begin working on a new machine called Analytical engine.
Ø     His analytical engine consisted of five units:
Ø     Store
Ø     Mill
Ø     Control
Ø     Input
Ø     Output
What is slide Rule?
          Napier’s idea of logarithm soon gave birth to another very useful calculating device called Slide Rule.

Write down three basic concept of Jacquards invention?
Ø     Jacquard’s invention emphasized three important concepts.
Coding of information by punching holes on the cards.
(storage concept)
Ø     Linking of the cards in a series to provide instructions in sequence.
(Programming concept)   
Ø     Job would be performed automatically as the program run.
(Program execution concept)
What is motherboard?
          A complete digital system including microprocessor (µp), program memory (ROM), data memory (RAM), with other electrical components and I/O ports (I/O) used in a system unit is called a microcomputer.

Define Input Devices?
          Input devices are used not only to enter data into the computer but also the instructions or programs that tell the computer what to do with the given data.
          Keyboard, mouse, scanner and disk drive etc.
What are the uses of joystick?
Ø     There are many uses of joystick.
Ø     The most important use of the joystick is that, when the kids playing many different games
 Car games, bike games, and many others then the joystick is used.
Ø     Joystick is used to playing different games.
Ø     It looks like a stick and have 6 or 7 buttons on it.
Write down the function of these keys?
Ø     Escape key performs a variety of functions defined by the operating system.
Ø     Used to change lower case letters to capitals and vice versa.
Ø     All other keys when pressed with shift key cause the character shown on the upper portion to be displayed.
Ø     Perform a command or function when used in conjunction with another key.
Ø     Moves the cursor one character to the left and erases the character in that position whenever the key is pressed.
Ø     The character at the cursor position is deleted.

Define Scanner?
Ø     Image scanner is a user input device.
Ø     It converts every bit of a scanned material into electrical pulses.
Ø     Suitable scanning software converts the printed documents, pictures or photograph into digital files.
Ø     OCR software translated the scanned documents into text that can be edited.
Ø     To edit photograph software is used.
Ø     You can insert a picture into text.
What are the features of color monitors?
Ø     Color monitors can display images in multiple colors.
Ø     Monitors are classified by their images producing technology.
Ø     A color graphic adapter (CGA) displays four colors at a resolution of 320 by 200 pixels.
Ø     An extended graphic adapter (EGA) produces images up to 16 different colors at a high resolution of 640 by 480 pixels.
Ø     A video graphic array (VGA) presents simultaneously up to 256 colors shades at a resolution up to 720 by 400 pixels.
Ø     Similarly, new monitors of high resolutions are coming up with new standards such as Super- VGA from 800 by 600 pixels to 1280 by 1024 pixels.
What is the difference between hard copy and soft copy?
Ø     In computer, the term hard-copy is used for Computer’s output that has been a pointer on some surface like paper.
Ø     Computer’s output that appears on a monitor or on a screen as a video image or is saved on some medium such as disks is called a soft-copy.
Ø    , In other words, any other form that is not hard copy is called soft copy.   

Define impact printers? Also describe the different types of impact printers.
Ø     Impact printers work like typewriters.
Ø     Various types of impact printers are Dot matrix printers, Daisy wheel printers and line printers.
Ø     The dot matrix printer is an impact printer.
Ø     It used tiny pins arranged to hit the ribbon and the paper.
Ø     In dot matrix printers, each letter is formed with a combination of dots.
Ø     A dot matrix may have 9, 18, 24, or 32 pins arranged vertically in a print head.
Ø     The dot matrix printers arrange to pins print dots that form characters and all kinds of images.
          The daisy wheel printer uses a flat disk or wheel with petal like projections each with a different character at the tip.
Ø     A number of different types of high speed printers have been developed to satisfy the needs of large computer systems.
Ø     These are called line printers as they print one complete line at a time. Some of these printers can produce over 3000 lines per minute.

Define non impact printers? Also describe the types of non impact printers.
Ø     Non impact printers produce a printed image without striking the paper.
Ø     They have improved printing quality and speed.
Ø     Some Non-impact printers are:
Ø     Electrostatic printers.
Ø     Electro thermal printers.
Ø     Ink-jet printers and
Ø     Laser printers.
Ø     Electrostatic printers are high-speed non-impact line printers.
Ø     A charged image is formed on paper by electric field.
Ø     This paper is passed through an ink-fog.
Ø     The ink particles adhere at the image on the paper to form a visible image.
Ø     The paper is then passed through the heated rollers for fixing the image.
Ø     Thermal printers produce characters on heat sensitive waxy paper.
Ø     These were popular a few years ago because they are portable and low cost.
Ø     But the drawback is that they require special heat sensitive waxy paper.

Ø     Ink-jet printers work in the same way as dot matrix printers except that ink jet printers have fine nozzles instead of tiny pins used in dot matrix print head.
Ø     Nozzles spray a stream of ink onto the paper.
Ø     Laser printers are the fastest non-impact printers.
Ø     These printers use laser and electro-photographic technology and have printing speeds greater than 20,000 lines per minute.

Define plotters? How many types of plotters explain in detail?
Ø     Plotters are special output devices that print out black/white or colored graphics output.
Ø     Plotters produce large drawings or images such as construction plans of buildings or blue prints of complex machines like aircraft design.
Ø     The two basic types of plotters are the drum plotter and the flatbed plotter.
Ø     Both have one or more pens that move over a sheet of paper to produce images.
Ø     In drum plotter, the pen and the drum move along X and Y-axes to trace out the pattern, graph or chart.
Ø     Drum plotters are also used to produce continuous output.
Ø     A flatbed or X-Y plotter uses drawing arm to draw image on paper rolled out onto a flat surface.
Ø     The pen moving along X and Y-axes can mark any position on the paper.
Define buses? Also describe its types in detail.
Ø     In a computer system large amount of data and instructions have to move from one unit to the other.
Ø     This requires a system bus, which is a set of parallel wires.
Ø     It provides an electrical path among Control unit, ALU Memory and other hardware parts on the motherboard or attached circuit boards.
There are of three types:
Ø     The data bus is an electrical path that connects the CPU, memory, and the other hardware devices on the motherboard.
Ø     The number of wires is the bus effects the speed at which data can travel between components.
Ø     8- Wires bus can move 8-bits or one byte at a time.
Ø     A 16-bit bus can transfer 2 bytes at a time and so on.
Ø     The second bus that is found in every microcomputer is the address bus.
Ø     The address bus that carries the memory addresses is a set of wires similar to the data bus.
Ø     An address bus connects the CPU with the memory.

Ø     The control unit controls the activities of all other units of the system. It sends out control commands to all the units through control bus.
Ø     Control unit directs the transfer of data from main memory to arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) for processing.

Define ports? Also describe its types in detail.
Ø     A system unit can work only when linked with I/O devices such as a keyboard and a monitor.
Ø     Each I/O device has a cable with a plug having several pins for plugging into a socket called ports.
Ø     A port provides a direct link with the computer’s common electrical bus.
          There are of two types:
Ø     A serial port provides a connection for plugging a peripheral device with one data line that carry one bit at a time and additional lines to carry control signals.
Ø     A serial port can have 9-pins or 25-pins.
Ø     In personal computers serial ports are generally designed as COM1, COM2 and COM3 etc.
Ø     A parallel port provides a connection for transmitting fast flow of large amount of data.
Ø     Parallel port allows 8 bits data at a time over a cable with eight separate data lines.
Ø     The cable that connects two parallel ports contains 25 wires, 8 wires carry data and the remaining wires carry control signals.
Ø     In personal computers parallel ports are generally designed as LPT 1, LPT 2, and LPT 3 etc.


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