
Showing posts from September 17, 2017


Here are some programs which are much tricky and difficult from the last programs published by us. In this figure some ideas given to you about programming  EXAMPLE: Same as published above PROGRAMS ARE DISPLAYED STEP BY STEP AS SHOWN UNDER SNAPSHOTS PUBLISH OUTPUT: (2) OUTPUT: (3) OUTPUT:


Now a days we can't perform any work without Computer System and other technologies. Computer became our life partner from last about 20 years.  FUNCTIONS OF TECHNOLOGY: By using the Technology we perform anything which can't exists in the real but we can some important technologies are present in the world as under: COMPUTER:    The most important technology now a days present in the world is a Computer System because the computer help us in all the problems faced in our daily life excluding personal problems but if we see the computer can overcome our personal problems such like when we feel tension we use computer system for playing games and stuff like that so the computer can overcome our problems in our daily life so that why the computer is the best example of technology in the world MOBILE PHONES:     The second technology we use the mobile phones. You can observe that now a days every person also children have also their own mobile phones because t


Here are some more things from which you should know about them. There are many things but you should know about some of them Firstly I would like to give you information about  GLOBAL VILLAGE: In this Century,  the World has become a Global Village.  You are a thing about the above sentence that HOW THE WORLD HAS BECAME A GLOBAL VILLAGE? Yeah, It is the reality. You can see that within a seconds or minutes we can contact every person from the world by using some Social Media Sites excepting those which we know or we don't know.  Some Social Media Sites are: FACEBOOK TWITTER SKYPE IMO INSTAGRAM WHATS APP YOUTUBE THROUGH E-MAIL AND MUCH MORE SITES ARE AVAILABLE IN THE MARKET               If you want to get an extra information about Technology then you must check our YouTube Channel's Link and directly go to the COLLEGE OF INFORMATION            In our YouTube Channel, we post videos about Informat


TOOLS 1-#include<stdio.h> # Sign indicates that this is instruction for compile. <stdio.h> stands for standard input output headers and word include inform the C compiler to include the declarations in the file and stdio.h in the user program . 2-void main(void): Every C program must have function main() which is the first selection that is to be executed when programs run. The word void before the function main() that this function does not return a value and the void in () mean that it does not have any argument. 3-Curly Bracket {}: “{“means that program is started and} means program end or loop end. 4-Printf: It mean that the word that is written in the bracket () and in inverted comma is printed same as it is. 5-\n: In indicate the next line just like Enter 6-scanf: It is used for inputting value in the program. 7-Semi column: C is terminated with: that why it is use at the end of printf (“”).


In order to study C language we must know about other language as well. There are two types of programing language. High Level language Low Level language 1-Low level language:   There are two type of low level language which is as follows Machine Language Assembly Language Machine Language: Machine language is low level language. It store information in the form of binary code i.e.0 &1. Program written in machine language for one computer will not work on another computer because of design difference. This is not user friendly. Assembly Language: Assembly language is low level language. It allows the programmer to use the entire computer feature through symbolic code and location rather than machine code. It frees the user for most of the detail of machine language. Now days this language are used by programmers. 2-High Level Language: There are many types of High level language. Some of them are as follows PASCAL F