# Sign indicates that this is instruction for compile. <stdio.h> stands for standard input output headers and word include inform the C compiler to include the declarations in the file and stdio.h in the user program.
2-void main(void):
Every C program must have function main() which is the first selection that is to be executed when programs run. The word void before the function main() that this function does not return a value and the void in () mean that it does not have any argument.
3-Curly Bracket {}:
“{“means that program is started and} means program end or loop end.
It mean that the word that is written in the bracket () and in inverted comma is printed same as it is.
In indicate the next line just like Enter
It is used for inputting value in the program.
7-Semi column:
C is terminated with: that why it is use at the end of printf (“”).


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